Finding part-time work can be a full-time job

But it doesn’t have to be!

Before you start wandering around town looking at the cards in newsagents’ windows, have a sit-down and a good think. What do you want to do?

If you’ve had a happy and successful career, it might be a good idea to find similar work, on a lighter level. Maybe you have a completely different interest you like to pursue. Why not start by talking things through with an experienced recruiter – there are some out there who cover just about all the bases. If it’s a question of finding someone who can build your confidence at the same time, we have a suggestion.

Diversity Jobs, a London based agency have a large selection of full and part-time opportunities nationwide; and with their commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, you can be sure that the person you talk to will understand what it’s like to be job searching in later life.

Have a look at their site: