Overview for investors- how Work works

“Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.”  Stephen Hawking

How true; whether you need the money or not, whether you get paid or not, work helps define you. It gives you the answer to the question “And what do you do?”

The current generation that is about to retire or in the early stages of retiring is uniquely valuable. Corporations everywhere have found they are losing massive pools of experience and knowledge every year and are re-employing retirees as full or part-time employees. Retiring managers are discovering the wealth of non-executive, trustee and consultancy opportunities awaiting for them. And many of those who can afford life’s comforts without seeking employment can wish to make some kind of contribution back to the society that gave them that luxury.


How Work works for our people. The Work section breaks out into a range of sub-headings to give you immediate and obvious choices. As we grow the site, we’ll provide an increasing number of search filters to the options on display. Ultimately we’d like anyone to be able to come to RP, enter a basic set of details and receive a selection of appropriate opportunities, online. Technology is now such that we can discuss C.V’s, conduct interviews, view portfolios and examine locations from one screen. That’s the target.

How Work works for government. The Department of Work and Pensions would love us to succeed. If people go on working they not only remain taxpayers, but they will often not need to draw their state pension. This double whammy gives the state a bonus saving and delivers a nice pot of cash to the pensioner when they eventually decide to take it.

How Work works for recruiters. By providing a ready-made audience of articulate, reliable, competent applicants we simplify the process of recruitment, limit the number of promotion-chasing time wasters and give true value to the ultimate employers. As a group, we’re more conscientious, flexible, tend to be happy working part-time, and rarely become targets for office politics. What’s not to like?

How Work works for sponsors. For all the reasons above, but primarily by association with the most grounded, liked, most trusted and dependable section of society, RP provides a perfectly tailored environment to grow brand credibility and market traction. As an advertiser, locating a genuinely interested readership at a moment when they are open to your kind of messaging makes your job so very much easier and more likely to be productive.

How Work can work with you.

We are seeking commercial partners across all areas of RP. We may be a not-for-profit organisation, but we don’t hold that against anybody. There is a huge potential market blossoming in the retirement qualifying generation, and we’d like to see its value honestly recognised and rewarded. We believe in business and will be only too happy to see our partners rewarded too.

Getting in touch couldn’t be simpler – an email to: contact@retirementpostponed.com will do it – and we’ll get back to you soonest.

We are recruiting:  Investing non-executive directors; volunteer editors, social media expertise, story contributers.

Find us on Facebook, join the conversation:  https://www.facebook.com/rpostponed/


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