Trustee Treasurer – Power to Live Foundation

Job description

Power to Live is a mental health charity training therapists to deliver the latest behavioural treatments. We offer quality affordable psychotherapy. As an organisation, we practice what we preach, we care about building warm compassionate communities and have a vibrant start-up mindset, ambitious to create a charity that is financially self-supporting.

It is a bonus if you are interested in mental wellbeing or have a lived-experience of mental health issues, because we want you to feel personally invested in growing this organisation.

We would like a candidate with an extensive and rich experience of finance and strategy to help us fulfil and amplify our mission.

Role of the Treasurer to the Board

To maintain effective governance of the organisations affairs, ensuring its financial viability and ensuring that proper processes and procedures exist for assuring all financial records, decisions and delegations are maintained.

Key Responsibilities 

1. Strategic

• To assist and advise in the formation of the Charity’s financial and developmental strategies with particular regard to ensuring that the Charity has the resources to deliver the strategy.

2. Financial

  • To ensure that the Board receives and understands the appropriate budgetary and financial information on the activities of the charity including Annual Accounts
  • To ensure that all accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by funders and the relevant statutory bodies
  • To recommend to the Board appropriate accounting procedures, controls and policies consistent with the scheme of delegation;
  • To work in close partnership with the Finance Officer in executing their
  • responsibilities and achieving their goals.

3. Investment planning:

  • To ensure that the Charity has an appropriate investment policy
  • To ensure that the Charity monitors the performance of its investments and to set an appropriate reserves policy
  • To ensure that all equipment and assets are adequately maintained and accounted for.

4. Governance

• To ensure that the Board is aware of its financial duties and responsibilities and the need to comply with all legislation

  • To ensure that all financial policies, procedures and the appointment of external financial advisors are reviewed on a regular basis
  • To ensure that the Board’s scheme of delegation is reviewed on a regular basis


5. General responsibilities of a Trustee

In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, the Treasurer as a Trustee has the following general responsibilities:


  • Contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in giving strategic direction to the charity, setting overall strategy and policy, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets;
  • Ensure the financial stability of the organisation and the proper investment of the Charity’s funds;
  • Ensure the Charity applies its resources exclusively in pursuing its objectives;
  • Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Charity;
  • Safeguard the good name and values of the Charity;
  • Declare any conflict of interest while carrying out the duties of a Trustee;
  • Be collectively responsible for the actions of the Charity and other Trustees;
  • Participate in other tasks as arise from time to time, such as interviewing new staff, helping with fundraising;
  • Attend meetings and subcommittee meetings as appropriate and read papers in preparation for the meeting;
  • Keep informed about the activities of the charity and wider issues which affect its work.

    In addition to the duties of all Trustees, each Trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board of Trustees reach sound decisions. This will involve scrutinising Board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, and providing advice and guidance requested by the Board on new initiatives, or other issues, to the area of the Charity’s work in which the Trustee has special expertise.

Refreshed on: 22 October 2023
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