The Great Learners Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) based in Buckinghamshire, comprises 11 primary schools and serves nearly 3,000 pupils. The Trust is seeking an Educationalist to join their board in guiding the Trust through its next exciting phase of development. The Trust comprises seven primary schools, one infant school, and three junior schools, and is a mixed MAT meaning that it has both Church of England schools as well as community (secular) schools.
After the retirement of the founding CEO, a new CEO was appointed who has a strong track record for driving standards and outcomes. The Trust is now looking to further develop the Trust’s medium- and long-term strategic plans and drive forward a renewed ‘GLT Brand’. Trustees, Governors and staff are passionate about the Trust’s redefined Scheme of Delegation and refreshed vision and values. The Trust is has undergone a review of governance (Autumn 2024) to further develop and strengthen strategic operations within the Trust. The Trust has made a strong appointment to the role of CFO who is new to the Trust in September 2024 and they, alongside the CEO, are keen that the Board drive forward a strategic plan to further develop central operations and support to further increase impact for all the Trust’s pupils and staff.
The Trust has two ASD (Autism Spectrum Diagnosis) provisions set across two of its schools and serves some communities with high levels of EAL (English as an Additional Language). The Trust faces some challenges with there being an increase in families moving to the area and sending their children to private education, however the Trust is passionate about the mission to inspire and empower all and is now looking to be ‘Brave, Bold, and Ambitious’ in plans. The Trust is currently leading the way on DfE Digital Strategy and has a number of ongoing initiatives to support pupils’ wider development such as their school bank initiative which teaches students valuable financial literacy skills, promoting responsible money management and savings habits from an early age.
The ideal candidate
Great Learners Trust is looking for an experienced Educationalist to join, the Board and help bring their strategic vision to life. The ideal candidate will have strategic leadership experience within the MAT sector or working in a strategic capacity with a large number of schools.
Trust Board meetings are held six times a year, typically running 6pm-8pm. Times for the 2024-2025 academic year are open to review in consultation with the Board but will likely remain broadly the same/similar.
Board meetings are planned in advance and are usually held on Wednesdays. Board meetings are held face to face though remote options are available to Trustees in exceptional circumstances. There are also three sub-committees: Education Standards, Finance Audit & Risk, and Personnel. These committees each meet three times a year and also meet 6pm-8pm. Most Trustees sit on one committee and committee meetings tend to occur 1-2 weeks before the Trust Board meeting.
Induction for the new trustee will be developed based on the candidate’s previous experience. The Trust Board also has access to NGA (National Governance Association), Confederation of School Trusts (CST) and Bucks Education Partnership to support its governance. Candidates will also receive access to ‘The First 100 Days as a Trustee’ immersive eLearning, through Governors for Schools (developed in partnership with CST).