Trustee – Church Mission Society

Job description

Please will you prayerfully consider whether you or anyone you know has the skills and experience to be part of the CMS board of trustees?

The trustees are responsible for ensuring the charity fulfils its purpose with clear direction while meeting all the required standards. It is  therefore important that the board includes people with an appropriate breadth and depth of experience.

At this time we are particularly looking for people with a financial or legal background.

Former mission partners, or people involved in mission as members of the community, would be welcome.

We also hope the election will result in a board that is diverse in gender, age and ethnicity.

Is God calling you to be a CMS trustee?

If you or someone you know has the appropriate skills and experience, please see the details on how to apply below.

In the meantime thank you for your prayers during this important process in the life of the CMS community.

With all good wishes in our Lord

Alastair Bateman



We are committed to the safeguarding and protection of the people we serve, our partners, our volunteers, and our staff. We believe that every child or adult we come into contact with has the right to be protected from all forms of harm and abuse. Our recruitment and selection processes are in line with our Safeguarding Policy and the SCHR Misconduct Disclosure Scheme, which CMS is a member of as part of our commitment to safeguarding.



Our core values of being pioneering, relational, faithful and evangelistic are integral to everything we do, and we work hard to ensure that every member of staff and volunteer is valued, supported and encouraged to continually learn and develop their skills.


Closing date

Please apply by midnight on 1 September 2023.

Application resources
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