BRACE Trustee Ltd, Director: Finance & Accounting
BRACE is an unincorporated charity registered with the Charity Commission under the number 297965. In June 2022, BRACE was incorporated and BRACE Trustee Limited (registered in England and Wales under the number: 14199100) became the sole corporate trustee of the charity. At that point, the then trustees of BRACE became the first Directors and members of BRACE Trustee Limited and, as Directors of that company, are responsible for ensuring that it complies with its obligations as the sole corporate trustee of BRACE.
BRACE is a small and dynamic charity funding 22 dementia research projects across the South West of England and Wales. We are seeking a new Director to join BRACE Trustee Ltd, bringing expertise in finance / accountancy to support our vital work. If you are looking to make a difference in the fight against dementia, please consider joining our team.
As part of the role, you will be expected to attend 3-hour quarterly meetings in Bristol, contribute towards supporting the charity outside of the meetings and, where possible, attend some external events.