Do you have a great idea to benefit people living with MS? At the MS Society, we campaign on a range of issues like welfare, treatments, care and support that people with MS need. We want to do more locally and want to support your ideas on making change happen. Together we can do more.
Perhaps you’ve spotted there are no blue badge spaces at your local supermarket? Or maybe your neighbourhood has no kerbs easy for wheelchairs to use? In this volunteer role, you’ll help drive change for people with MS in your community and develop your networking and influencing skills along the way.
As a campaigner you’ll bring your own ideas, local knowledge and personal experience to your campaigns. You’ll make decisions about your own campaign activities and collaborate with other campaigners in your area.
This role is flexible and aims to fit around you. Time commitments for this role may vary depending on your activities and the campaigning you’d like to do. This is an ongoing role.