Overview for investors – how Money goes round

Retirement Postponed has set out to be on the side about the people who visit our site, our readers. Everything we publish is designed and scrutinised to be of interest and value to them, and that includes those companies that market to them.

Nowhere else is trust more important than when Money is on the table, so RP will put a range of advertiser monitors and user feedback systems in place to give accurate, realistic assessments of everything we offer.

Money will cover pensions, loans, start-up funding, charitable giving, insurance, mortgages, accountancy, tax and savings – all from our point of view,  providing as broad and diverse a choice to our readers as possible.

Everyone beyond middle age will be aware that the world of finance becomes progressively less friendly towards older people. We believe this to be wrong.

We may have less time on our side, but that has to be balanced by our reliability, our tendency to plan, to be progressively more careful.

RP Money wants to form partnerships with businesses that recognise that and take a positive attitude – companies and institutions who offer products and arrangements designed specifically to resonate with the kind of needs and issues we are facing.

RP will be free of pop-ups and other intrusive advertising. However, each sub-section may carry a section sponsor – corporates, note – but on RP, we’ll only advertise to those who ask for it.

Every article we post will carry an advertising support button, allowing the reader to scan a number of advertisements related to that item. It may mean that your advertisement won’t be seen by so many people. But it will also mean than those who do see it will already be interested in what you have to say.  Good deal?



Help develop this section – let’s get together: [email protected]