When all’s said and done, it’s all you’ve got

Time - Wrist watch

We live in a vastly different time now than we did 25 or even ten years ago. No other generation has enjoyed such a radical change in technology and lifestyle in such a short a time.

However, we have to realise that our time is limited and we should make the best of the time we get.

Time is a tool, and it can be manipulated, shared, divided, and saved. It is also our most valuable resource. We need to learn how to control and use it wisely.

Here are ten tips on how to fill every waking minute with Kipling’s ’60 seconds run’.

  1. Make a plan
  2. 1,440 minutes in every day
  3. Energy Management
  4. Tackle top priorities first
  5. Stay focused
  6. Try to touch things only once
  7. Learn to say “NO.”
  8. Slow down and think
  9. Visualise your outcome
  10. Delegate and outsource

1. Make a plan

Use 30 mins a day to plan how you are going to use your time. If you do not, you will find yourself running around in circles wasting time.

2. Don’t forget; there are 1,440 minutes in every day

Minutes do not vary from day to day. If you understand the time you have, then you can map out a plan for using it wisely. Understand and accept that some of these minutes will be used day-in and day-out for essential tasks like work, calls, etc. Others for personal needs such as exercise, relaxation, and yet others to service physical requirements, don’t forget to eat or sleep! It is how you use the unused minutes that make the difference in your financial and emotional well-being.

3. Combine Energy Management with Time Management

You can be the greatest planner ever and have every minute of the day packed with necessary tasks, but if you do not have the energy to complete them correctly, then it is all for nothing. Prioritise and plan in time segments that you can handle physically. Don’t exhaust yourself out.

4. Tackle top priorities first

Top priorities may not be the most pleasant, but they are the most important, so battle them when you are the most mentally alert and physically rested.

5. Stay focused

Do not get distracted by everything that is shiny around you. Always remind yourself of the task you are working on at hand. With everything that is happening in the World around us, it is easy to be distracted. Try carrying a short-list as a visual reminder.

6. Try to touch things only once

Trust your intuition when making decisions, especially on those choices that are not top priorities. Assign the task you are working on and finish it before moving on.

7. Learn to say “NO.”

Every-time you say “yes” to a request, you are saying “no” to something other. Time is yours to use, do not let someone else waste it. You will stand amazed how easy it is to deflect unimportant requests for your time by others. Easy things like having your door shut while doing priority tasks, not acknowledging the phone, and letting people know your busy. Doing this will help you find more time for yourself.

8. Slow down and think

I know this sounds counterintuitive to what I am asking you to do in rule #6, but at times it is important to catch your breath before reaching a decision. Do not make rash or emotional decisions. A few minutes spent to clear your mind, analyse the situation, and weigh your options will influence better choices and more time.

9. Visualise your outcome

Before reaching a decision or picking a course of action, start with the ending in mind.

10. Delegate and outsource

Do not be scared to let others do things for you. Look at your “to do” list and rather than asking “How do I get this task completed?” ask instead, “How can this task be accomplished?” It is a simple change of interpretation, but it takes the burden off your shoulders of having to complete every task yourself. Look for help — it is out there.


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