£320 per month – 2 days/month
About the appointment
The Secretary of State wishes to appoint a new Board Member to the British Tourist Authority (“BTA”) Board. The BTA Board is responsible for the overall direction of the BTA (trading as VisitBritain/VisitEngland), working within a framework agreed with its sponsoring Government department, the Department for Culture, Media & Sport. The Board also monitors the BTA’s performance against targets agreed with DCMS.
DCMS is committed to eliminating discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity in its public appointments. We particularly encourage applicants from underrepresented groups, those based outside London and the South-East and applicants who have achieved success through non-traditional educational routes. This ensures that boards of public bodies benefit from a full range of diverse perspectives and are representative of the people they serve.
Tourism is a crucial industry for the United Kingdom and made up of a variety of different kinds of enterprises, including: accommodation providers, attractions, cultural activities, exhibition and conference facilities, passenger transport, and sport and recreational activities.
Importance of the UK tourism industry
VisitBritain forecasts 38.7 million inbound visits and £32.5 billion spend in 2024. Compared to 2023, this would represent growth of 2% in visits and 5% in nominal spend (2% in real spend).This follows final results of 38.0 million visits and £31.1 billion spend in 2023. The industry is estimated to be worth £127 billion to the UK economy, supporting 200,000 SMEs and 3.1 million jobs.
The BTA’s strategic aims, as set out in the 2024 – 27 Framework Agreement, are to:
Rebuild international visitor value;
Position Britain as a dynamic, diverse, sustainable and inclusive destination, prioritising regional and season dispersion and improved productivity;
Build its future;
Transform the way it works to compete in a digital world, build on its strengths in data and consider opportunities to diversify its funding;
Build the English Visitor Economy;
Lead and enable a sustainable and resilient visitor economy in England;
Build its influence;
Be the trusted voice in tourism. Support growth by shaping policy and providing insights;
Build its team; and
Work as a global team to ensure their structure and skills best deliver on the strategy.
Appointment description
Board members are expected to contribute effectively to the overall work of the BTA Board in providing expert advice and support. The main responsibilities of board members are to:
Contribute effectively to the discussion of the BTA Board and support the Chair of the Board.
Ensure that any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of public funds are complied with, that all expenditure is in accordance with Treasury rules for the management of public money and that the BTA maintains high standards of corporate governance at all times. The BTA Chair has an important role to play in supporting the organisation’s Accounting Officer in delivering high standards of regularity and probity.
Support the BTA Chair to deliver on the aims and objectives agreed with DCMS – principally ensuring that:
Ensure targets to grow inbound tourism in value terms are met. These include specific targets for the Devolved Administrations;
Monitor how International activity is designed and delivered in light of the views of the VisitEngland Advisory Board, VisitScotland and VisitWales;
Ensure that an appropriate separation is maintained between England-only and Britain-wide activity and funding.
Ensure that the BTA maximises investment in English and British tourism and the promotion of Britain overseas, through partnership engagement and commercial activity, and that all expenditure is in accordance with HMT rules for the management of public money.
Actively build collaboration and alignment in activity across an extensive network of stakeholders, working with and through national tourist boards.
Organisation description
About the British Tourist Authority:
The BTA is an Arm’s Length Body of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). It was set up by the Development of Tourism Act (1969). The BTA has a statutory duty:
To encourage people to visit Great Britain and people living in Great Britain to take their holidays there; and
To encourage the provision and improvement of tourist amenities and facilities in Great Britain.
The BTA trades as both VisitBritain and VisitEngland, with each organisation having different responsibilities. It acts as the Government’s strategic adviser on tourism matters.
VisitBritain’s main activities are:
Running a global network of offices that market Great Britain as a tourist destination to consumers in those regions. VisitBritain have staff in Canada, USA, Brazil, UAE, India, South Korea, Japan, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Australia;
Delivering marketing campaigns in conjunction with commercial partners, including airlines and the travel trade;
Undertaking and disseminating research and data concerning inbound travel and analysing this to advise Government and industry;
Winning Business events including running the Business Events Growth Programme, which is focused on bringing international business events to the UK;
Hosting and attending international travel trade shows to promote Britain;
An online shop that delivers revenue to the business; and
Running an internal transformation programme to enhance digital and people capabilities.
Board composition
Aside from the Chair, the BTA Board consists of 7 other members, including representatives from VisitScotland and VisitWales. One Board member is the Chair of the VisitEngland Advisory Board, which provides advice on tourism matters pertaining to England only. There are also 2 observers, from DCMS and Northern Ireland.
Regulation of appointment
Person specification
Essential criteria
Candidates for these roles must be able to demonstrate that they meet the majority of the following essential criteria:
A commitment to the purpose and objectives of the BTA;
Good judgement with a willingness to be open, ask challenging questions and help find solutions, and an ability to work collaboratively and as part of a team;
An understanding of the differing opportunities and demands of the public and private sectors;
An ability to develop an understanding of the tourism landscape across Britain;
The ability to contribute effectively to corporate governance matters including risk management and strategy development; and
A strong commitment to engaging communities outside of London, and factoring UK-wide perspectives into all decision making.
Desirable criteria
Applications from candidates with experience and understanding/ insight of at least 2 of the following:
How Britain is promoted and perceived abroad;
How tourism can best serve and compliment Britain’s strategic interests
Organisational digital literacy;
Organisational change management;
Audit and risk, and/ or remuneration and people committees.
would also be welcomed.